After a really long time away, I decided to return to blogging.
Short summary of what happened since last time:
Erin had a nice graduation, and I cannot pass up the opportunity to display such a nice picture of her her
My parents have retired and moved to Fredericksburg. Their house is still under construction, but should be open in the next few weeks. I hope to go there for thanksgiving.
I moved to a two bedroom apartment, still by myself. One bedroom is, of course, my bedroom, and the other is sort of my computer room. I have plenty of space here and that makes things really nice. Also, the place is freshly renovated, and so it is much nicer than my old apartment.
I have quit playing WoW as I no longer have the time.
Curtis came down with Cancer in late Nov, and left school at the end of the semester. In early August, I had my last chance to visit him. He died in mid August and I went to his funeral. I already miss him greatly. I continually find myself wanting to ask him things and I have to remind myself that he is no longer around. To his memory, I post a classic picture of how I will always remember him studying in the hall, and a picture of his last visit to College Station with his girlfriend:
More have been added in respective categories.