Thoughts and Ramblings

General things I find of interest.

Sometimes you just got to laugh

I got this 419 scam today, and I decided to read it critically just for fun. I started to laugh at some of the word choices, so I decided to share (emphasis mine):

Dear Sir,

No name, OK

I am a solicitor and I am the personal attorney to Late Mr Alex Tamu.

Wow. Tamu is a person and not just an acronym for my university?

I am writing you to receive this funds 9.5m$ before it is seized by the bank where the funds is deposited.

Broken Key

Well, a key broke on my MacBook Pro’s keyboard. I noticed the tab key was a bit loose yesterday, and today it won’t stay down. I called Apple Support about it since this computer is covered by AppleCare, and after spending over 30 minutes waiting to talk to someone, I was told there is absolutely nothing they can do short of sending me a box to have the computer shipped to them, or bringing it into a repair place locally so they can take the computer away for several days.

Custom RSS Feeds

So, lets break down the problem. I use RSS feeds a lot to read the news. For the uninitiated, RSS feeds (which stands for Really Simple Syndication), are a nice way to aggregate multiple sources and see changes from said sources in a convenient manner. Basically, I can see the headlines from many locations in one place and read the articles I want. Sounds good, right?

It would be, but most sites have only a single sentence description for the “article” which means you have to load the full site to realize that, more often than not, the article isn’t something you wanted to read, or so horribly written you wish you hadn’t read it. To make matters worse, some even go as far as to insert ads into the RSS feeds. Often the ad is bigger than the article description itself. Guess that means their articles aren’t good enough to bring traffic to their site so they feel they have to make money by inserting ads into their RSS feeds. This is akin to watching a commercial trying to get you to watch a new television show and inserting an ad in the middle of the commercial.


So, I’ve been running Google Analytics on this site for a few months now. It is interesting that about a 1/4 of you are coming to this site directly, another 1/5 are linked here from other sites, and the rest of ya’ll are coming through search engines. More people are finding me through searches than I would have expected.

The search engines was interesting: First is the proportions. Google has the highest with about 95%, then comes yahoo. Rounding up the bottom is 4 searches from aol, and one from altavista (ah, I remember those days). Not one from live, hmm. I would normally attribute this to the very mac nature of my pages (which accounts for the searches on ac3 on the mac), but then I must consider the top searches which land them on my site. For some reason, people are finding me by searches for “female friend”, “girl questions”, and “dating friend”. I am not the top search result for any of those searches (thankfully considering that I am by no means an authority on the subject), but people seems to go far enough down to reach me.

Recruiting week

Well, this past week was full of recruiters on campus trying to hire people, well engineers. I participated in a few of the events, but missed the major one entirely.

It started on Monday with the welcome dinner. Essentially free food at the Hilton where students sit at a table with a recruiter. I sat with Texas Instruments, and it was interesting to hear what they had to say. Nothing too specific as this was little more than a meet and greet combined with free food.