Thoughts and Ramblings

General things I find of interest.

Ripping DVDs to play on the AppleTV

First, I should start off with the prerequisites for the AppleTV itself.

The second piece I used is Handbrake to actually rip the DVDs.

Most people try to make the choice between AVI or MP4 file formats. There are problems with both of these approaches.

Quick vacation for the weekend

I visited my parents again this past weekend just to get a quick trip away from school. The outdoor kitties are acting much the same, with Guest Kitty lying around as usual for most of the day. I swear she is still too fat, but she may be getting better about that. OC (Orange Cat) has become much more friendly. He loves to be scratched, but he still hasn’t fully learned his name. Although, those who know cats will agree that he could have learned his name and is just not responding to it. Anyway, he posed for me to allow this photo:


New Hardware

It has been a while since I updated this. I promise a followup to my previous post about open source attitudes is coming up. I realized from the comments that a few of my statements didn’t come across exactly as I had intended them.

Well, with the Perian donations, Chris and I went to buy some AV equipment. This enables us to test out Perian in other situations than we had originally intended. Each of us got an AppleTV and a 5.1 system. As a result, I have already figured out a way to do AC3 passthrough in a much less hacky method, which means it should be more reliable. However, I found out that with some decoders, like the one my dad has, even this method still fails. Apparently, some decoders require that the SPDIF header specify that the data is encoded digital audio instead of searching for a correctly formatted header in the PCM data. Oh well.

Perian 1.0 Released

Finally, after the fiasco with macupdate, we really released version 1.0. Go get it.

AppleTV users, we suggest using ATV Loader to install it. Downloading the current package, and extracting the components out of it will work, but when it shows up on ATV Loader, that will be much simpler.

Legacy Comments:

stucka - Jan 12, 2008

sorry for my english. I fond in the web perian 1.1b for download , i read this beta is only for donate users, i am no a donate user for this moment but wath happend if i install this beta in my mac ?? please tell me why is only for donate users and why i fond this in te web? thanks an sorry for my english again. i am a latin guy

Open Source Attitudes

With my recent work on Fire, Adium, Perian, and A52Codec, I have come to realize several misunderstandings concerning open source software.

Ask anyone involved in Open Source Software (OSS), whether it be the users or the developers, and you will find there is often a disconnect between the two groups. The users are upset with the elitist attitudes of the developers and the developer are upset with the whining of the users. Why does this happen? The answer is simple, people are greedy.