Thoughts and Ramblings

General things I find of interest.

AC3 and Passthrough on the AppleTV and Macs

A few days ago, I managed to get my AC3 codec to do AC3 passthrough on the AppleTV. It wasn’t that hard once I stopped making stupid mistakes. Now, if you have a video file with AC3 audio along with a dolby digital decoder, you can play it on your AppleTV and enjoy full 5.1 dolby digital surround.

David Conrad later sent me a patch to make it work on PPC based macs. It is annoying not having a decoder to test these things on. I suppose that just adds to the challenge.

AC3 Codec released

Well, I am sure I am getting a lot more traffic on this site recently because I released the AC3 codec yesterday. Essentially I got tired of the fact that the two that I found didn’t work well on Intel Macs, so I took one and fixed it.

I already have one minor bug to fix (not worth releasing a new version though since it is just a version number). The next step is to figure out how to do AC3 passthrough. I am thinking I need to bug the Apple Engineers on the mailing lists in order to figure this one out.


Well, my old Powerbook failed a few days ago, so I got a new Intel Powerbook (no, I will not use the stupid name). It is nice and fast. I may give a better review later, but for now, the biggest gripe I had so far was the fact that I couldn’t play videos with AC-3 audio anymore. So, I took the A52 Codec and modified its source so that it would work on Intel. While I was at it, I corrected numerous mistakes in the code (some even caused crashes), and made it work with the audio in AVI files. Anyway, if anyone needs it before the developer merges in my fixes, they can find it here.