Thoughts and Ramblings

General things I find of interest.

Slow Summer

Been a while since I have posted here. I expect most of the reason is due to the fact that the summer is progressing slowly. I did take off last weekend and spent time with the parents. We spent a fair amount of time watching the nine Doctor Who episodes I brought with me. In the mean time, I started hosting the repository for perian, a project to bring ffmpeg codecs to QuickTime.


Well, I am finally back in College Station. When I got back last Wed, I had the surprise of finding that my apartment was over 80°. Turns out someone drove a truck through a transformer and it burned off the motors for the AC. They didn’t get it working again until Friday and it took all night for the temp to drop. Anyway, I am starting to back into the swing of things called research.

Taking a Break

Well, it has been a while since I wrote here. I decided that I will stay here for the summer rather than go to work for MS. I actually got a survey asking why I had declined their offer, and so I had to actually think about it. Turns out, the job (or maybe the company) just didn’t see that interesting to me, at least not at that level of pay.

Truck fixed

Well, I finally got the truck fixed. I had a lot of trouble finding a time when I could actually take the thing in, so I had a lot of time when I was just unable to bring the truck in. Anyway, after about 31 hours (mostly waiting for parts), they got it fixed. It was a bad rotor and distributer. I also had them replace the spark plugs and their wires as well (since they were pretty much due anyway).

Repository Up

I have now set up the subversion repository for a project I wish to start. The basics of the project is to get the server side part of iSync working on a server other than Apple’s. If this is completed, I can fully drop my .Mac subscription, and lose nothing that I care about. I guess this should be a lesson on not to over charge for poor services. If you persist in such action, someone will come along and replace you.