Thoughts and Ramblings

General things I find of interest.

Order Here

Well, the entire order is finally here. The problem: the iPod has failed. I took it out, downloaded music to it, and let it charge until it said it was done. Then I took the thing jogging. After playing one song, the thing froze, so, I reset it. Play another song, freeze, reset. After about 5 resets, it only started showing a folder icon with an exclamation point on it. I took that to mean that it was a broken file system.

Screen here

Well, my new 20" Cinema display arrived. As you can see from the image, it is much bigger than my 15" powerbook screen. The first part of my new computer is here. Getting this picture lead to some fun. It turns out, the batteries in my camera were dead, so I had to try to charge them. I tried my keyboard’s in the mean time (wireless), and they didn’t work. I was starting to wonder if the camera was broken.

Busy, Busy, Busy

Well, yesterday I had my first presentation to my advisor and his other students. It was strange because I was not presenting research, but instead a tool that I had to use on the way. I got to talk about VMWare, which is basically a virtual machine. To my surprise, the others there thought that it might be useful tool for their research. Then afterward, I was talking with one of the students about how the network filtering works in the 2.

End of another day

Well, it is the end of another day. I am sitting here listening to cmradio after having just finished the homework for CPSC 629. It is a great time to relax and talk with friends on IM. Last night was a great time at Breakaway. We had a record number of people on the stream. That is the most important because that is the part that I run. Anyway, it was lots of fun to set up three cameras again.

First Post

Well, this is the first time that I have posted a blog. It seems to be all the rage around my friends, so I decided that I might as well start doing it as well. Truthfully, the only reason I am doing this is because a shareware blog software has been made free to me through my .mac account, so this is more of a test than anything else. Well, this day has been a mishmash of various things.