Thoughts and Ramblings

General things I find of interest.

Taking a Break

Well, it has been a while since I wrote here. I decided that I will stay here for the summer rather than go to work for MS. I actually got a survey asking why I had declined their offer, and so I had to actually think about it. Turns out, the job (or maybe the company) just didn’t see that interesting to me, at least not at that level of pay. A more interesting job, or more pay may have convinced me to go there.

Christmas Vacation

Well, I left CS for the Christmas vacation and went to my parents’ place. Pretty much from the time I arrived Hallie decided to hiss at me from under the tree. I managed to get a picture of her giving me one of her glaring looks.


Friday, the 23rd, we all packed up the truck and went to my grandparents’ place in Fort Worth. We celebrated Christmas there along with my dad’s birthday the following day. I actually didn’t take very many pictures this time, but I got one of Hallie with some of the presents.

She doesn’t want to be there and is looking for escape.

Thanksgiving Weekend

Well, thanksgiving has now come and gone. I have spent so long trying to catch up on things that I missed from being out of town that it has taken me a while to get back to this blog. I still have to clean up my apartment this week sometime and a few other things before I am caught up.

I went to my parents’ place over the weekend. My dad’s parents joined us on Friday, and we celebrated Thanksgiving then. It is nice to see the place finally built. Here is a picture of it completed.

Now if only it would rain so the grass could grow.