Thoughts and Ramblings

General things I find of interest.

So Long Perian

By now, most of your are familiar with our announcement that the Perian team is retiring. It was a long time coming, but still a sad day none the less. I can see that the community reaction is that of disappointment as well. Perian was so quiet in its arrival that I never stopped to realize how loud its departure may be. So I decided to recount my history with the project, through its trials and its joys.

What Objective-C can learn from Java, Part 5 (Exceptions)

This is one past the last is a series of blog posts I’m writing on things that Objective-C can learn from Java. I’m writing this because I’m seeing a series of ignorant tweets stating how much Java sucks. The other parts can be found here: Part 1 (Generics) Part 2 (Abstract Classes) Part 3 (Single Source File) Part 4 (Namespace) Part 5 (Exceptions) Anyone who programs in Java for a short period of time becomes well aware of Java’s exceptions.

What Objective-C can learn from Java, Part 4 (Namespace)

This is the last is a series of blog posts I’m writing on things that Objective-C can learn from Java. The other parts can be found here: Part 1 (Generics) Part 2 (Abstract Classes) Part 3 (Single Source File) Part 4 (Namespace) Part 5 (Exceptions) For one who has programmed in other object oriented languages, Objective-C stands out with its complete lack of namespace. As a result, classes have a prefix, such as Apple’s common NS and UI prefixes.

What Objective-C can learn from Java, Part 3 (Single Source File)

This is the third is a series of blog posts I’m writing on things that Objective-C can learn from Java. The other parts can be found here: Part 1 (Generics) Part 2 (Abstract Classes) Part 3 (Single Source File) Part 4 (Namespace) Part 5 (Exceptions) Objective-C still retains a lot of its heritage from it’s C beginnings. This includes using two files, a header and a source file, for each class.

What Objective-C can learn from Java, Part 2 (Abstract Classes)

This is the second is a series of blog posts I’m writing on things that Objective-C can learn from Java. The other parts can be found here: Part 1 (Generics) Part 2 (Abstract Classes) Part 3 (Single Source File) Part 4 (Namespace) Part 5 (Exceptions) When one is using object oriented design, a common practice is to lump similar classes together with a common super-class and include the common functionality in that super-class.